You may see some Errors in SSM 2.10, mostly the error message contains an 'Error Code' to give you a detail of the error.
For example, the below Error Code 1091 means 'IDS_ERR_1091: No response from the server'.
Please refer to the below table or attached excel file to check the Error Code.
Error Code | Reason |
IDS_ERR_200 | OK |
IDS_ERR_600 | Cannot create session |
IDS_ERR_601 | Checking session is failed |
IDS_ERR_602 | Cannot select Database |
IDS_ERR_603 | Cannot insert Database |
IDS_ERR_604 | Cannot update Database |
IDS_ERR_605 | Cannot delete Database |
IDS_ERR_606 | Cannot import Database |
IDS_ERR_607 | Cannot initialize Database |
IDS_ERR_610 | Cannot connect to Database |
IDS_ERR_700 | Login ID is not found |
IDS_ERR_701 | Login Password Mismatches |
IDS_ERR_702 | Double Login |
IDS_ERR_703 | UID Information Is not Found |
IDS_ERR_704 | User is Locked |
IDS_ERR_705 | User is alrealy locked |
IDS_ERR_706 | Update User Password |
IDS_ERR_707 | Lonin Parameter is different |
IDS_ERR_901 | Mobile WEB : Max connection |
IDS_ERR_1102 | Out of memory |
IDS_ERR_1103 | File output error |
IDS_ERR_1104 | Not found |
IDS_ERR_1105 | Bad vector index |
IDS_ERR_1106 | Vector too big |
IDS_ERR_1107 | Unexpected null |
IDS_ERR_1108 | Invalid iterator |
IDS_ERR_1109 | String not a number |
IDS_ERR_1110 | Number not a UINT16 |
IDS_ERR_1112 | The object cannot be cloned |
IDS_ERR_1113 | The hash value already exists in the hash table. |
IDS_ERR_1114 | The hash table could not be allocated |
IDS_ERR_1115 | The library is incompatible |
IDS_ERR_1116 | Concurrent access |
IDS_ERR_1117 | Operation may caus |
IDS_ERR_1118 | Concurrent access not owner |
IDS_ERR_1200 | Not an IPv4 Address |
IDS_ERR_1300 | Uninitialized stream |
IDS_ERR_1301 | End of stream |
IDS_ERR_1302 | Input stream error |
IDS_ERR_1400 | Serialize not class definition |
IDS_ERR_1401 | Serialize bad class UID |
IDS_ERR_1402 | Serialize bad magic number |
IDS_ERR_1403 | Serialize bad version |
IDS_ERR_1404 | Serialize not a hashtable |
IDS_ERR_1405 | Serialize unexpected bytes |
IDS_ERR_1406 | Serialize unrecognized class |
IDS_ERR_1407 | Serialize bad super class |
IDS_ERR_1408 | Serialize bad handle |
IDS_ERR_1409 | Serialize not a class object |
IDS_ERR_1410 | Serialize not a handle object |
IDS_ERR_1411 | Serialize string too big |
IDS_ERR_1413 | Serialize cannot clone |
IDS_ERR_1414 | Serialize no class description |
IDS_ERR_1415 | Serialize corrupted hashtable |
IDS_ERR_1416 | Serialize testing error |
IDS_ERR_1417 | Serialize string contains NULL |
IDS_ERR_1500 | Property is NULL |
IDS_ERR_1501 | Property has the wrong value type |
IDS_ERR_1502 | The object could not be converted invalid input |
IDS_ERR_1503 | The string is NULL |
IDS_ERR_1504 | The object conversion failed because the value is out of bounds |
IDS_ERR_1505 | There was an error reading from the property file |
IDS_ERR_1506 | The property file could not be found |
IDS_ERR_1507 | Message Queue basic type size mismatch |
IDS_ERR_1600 | Invalid TCP port |
IDS_ERR_1601 | TCP connection is closed |
IDS_ERR_1602 | TCP already connected |
IDS_ERR_1700 | Portmapper returned invalid |
IDS_ERR_1701 | Portmapper is the wrong version |
IDS_ERR_1702 | Portmapper error |
IDS_ERR_1800 | Invalid packet |
IDS_ERR_1801 | Invalid packet field |
IDS_ERR_1802 | Packet output error |
IDS_ERR_1803 | The packet type was unrecognized |
IDS_ERR_1804 | The JMS message type is not supported |
IDS_ERR_1805 | bad packet magic number |
IDS_ERR_1806 | unsupported packet version |
IDS_ERR_1900 | Could not connect to Broker |
IDS_ERR_1901 | Broker connection is closed. |
IDS_ERR_1902 | Received an unexpected acknowledgement |
IDS_ERR_1903 | Acknowledgement status is not OK |
IDS_ERR_1904 | Could not create thread |
IDS_ERR_1905 | Invalid authenticate request |
IDS_ERR_1906 | Admin key authorization mismatch |
IDS_ERR_1907 | No authentication handler |
IDS_ERR_1908 | Unsupported authentication type |
IDS_ERR_1909 | Invalid client id |
IDS_ERR_1910 | Client id already in use |
IDS_ERR_2000 | Reused consumer id |
IDS_ERR_2001 | Invalid consumer id |
IDS_ERR_2100 | Socket error |
IDS_ERR_2101 | Negative amount |
IDS_ERR_2102 | Poll error |
IDS_ERR_2103 | Timeout expired |
IDS_ERR_2104 | Invalid port |
IDS_ERR_2105 | Could not connect socket to the host |
IDS_ERR_2106 | Could not read from the socket |
IDS_ERR_2107 | Could not write to the socket |
IDS_ERR_2108 | Could not shutdown socket |
IDS_ERR_2109 | Could not close the socket |
IDS_ERR_2110 | SSL initialization error |
IDS_ERR_2111 | SSL socket initialization error |
IDS_ERR_2112 | SSL certification error |
IDS_ERR_2113 | SSL error |
IDS_ERR_2114 | SSL has already been initialized |
IDS_ERR_2115 | SSL not initialized |
IDS_ERR_2200 | MD5Hash failure |
IDS_ERR_2201 | Base 64 encode failure. |
IDS_ERR_2300 | Broker: bad request |
IDS_ERR_2301 | Broker: unauthorized |
IDS_ERR_2302 | Broker: forbidden |
IDS_ERR_2304 | Broker: not allowed |
IDS_ERR_2305 | Broker: timeout |
IDS_ERR_2306 | Broker: conflict |
IDS_ERR_2307 | Broker: gone |
IDS_ERR_2308 | Broker: precondition failed |
IDS_ERR_2309 | Broker: invalid login |
IDS_ERR_2310 | Broker: error |
IDS_ERR_2311 | Broker: not implemented |
IDS_ERR_2312 | Broker: unavailable |
IDS_ERR_2313 | Broker: bad version |
IDS_ERR_2314 | Broker: resource full |
IDS_ERR_2315 | Broker: entity too large |
IDS_ERR_2400 | Error in saying goodbye to broker. |
IDS_ERR_2401 | Starting broker connection failed. |
IDS_ERR_2402 | Stopping broker connection failed. |
IDS_ERR_2403 | Authenticating to the broker failed. |
IDS_ERR_2404 | Received an unexpected reply from the broker. |
IDS_ERR_2405 | Writing a packet to the broker failed. |
IDS_ERR_2406 | Reading a packet from the broker failed. |
IDS_ERR_2407 | ProtocolHandler error |
IDS_ERR_2408 | Setting client id failed. |
IDS_ERR_2409 | Deleting destination failed |
IDS_ERR_2410 | Error saying hello to the broker. |
IDS_ERR_2411 | Error resume flow from broker. |
IDS_ERR_2500 | Read channel couldn’t dispatch packet. |
IDS_ERR_2600 | ReadQTable error |
IDS_ERR_2700 | Unsupported argument value |
IDS_ERR_2800 | Session closed |
IDS_ERR_2801 | The consumer is not part of this session. |
IDS_ERR_2802 | The producer is not part of this session |
IDS_ERR_2803 | A queue consumer cannot be durable |
IDS_ERR_2804 | Cannot unsubscribe an active consumer. |
IDS_ERR_2805 | The receive queue is closed. |
IDS_ERR_2806 | The Session is not associated with a connection. |
IDS_ERR_2807 | The session's connection has been closed |
IDS_ERR_2808 | connection closed |
IDS_ERR_2809 | Invalid acknowledge mode |
IDS_ERR_2810 | Invalid destination type. |
IDS_ERR_2811 | Invalid receive mode. |
IDS_ERR_2812 | The session is not in sync receive mode. |
IDS_ERR_2813 | The session is not in async receive mode. |
IDS_ERR_2814 | Session is transacted. |
IDS_ERR_2815 | The session is not transacted. |
IDS_ERR_2816 | Session is not in client acknowledge mode |
IDS_ERR_2817 | Transaction id in use. |
IDS_ERR_2818 | Invalid transaction id |
IDS_ERR_2819 | The calling thread is not associated with an XA transaction |
IDS_ERR_2820 | The XA session has no active transaction |
IDS_ERR_2821 | An XA session is in progress |
IDS_ERR_2900 | The message does not have a destination |
IDS_ERR_2901 | The destination does not have a class. |
IDS_ERR_2902 | The destination does not have a name. |
IDS_ERR_2903 | The message does not have a reply to destination. |
IDS_ERR_3000 | The producer does not have a specified destination. |
IDS_ERR_3001 | The producer has a specified destination |
IDS_ERR_3002 | Invalid delivery mode. |
IDS_ERR_3003 | Invalid priority |
IDS_ERR_3004 | Producer closed. |
IDS_ERR_3005 | The destination to which this message was sent could not be found. |
IDS_ERR_3006 | The message exceeds the single message size limit for the server or for the destination. |
IDS_ERR_3007 | The destination is full and is rejecting new messages. |
IDS_ERR_3100 | There is no durable name specified |
IDS_ERR_3101 | The consumer has not been initialized. |
IDS_ERR_3102 | An exception occurred on the consumer. |
IDS_ERR_3103 | The consumer has no session. |
IDS_ERR_3104 | The message was not delivered to the session. |
IDS_ERR_3105 | There was no message to receive. |
IDS_ERR_3106 | The consumer was closed. |
IDS_ERR_3107 | Invalid message selector. |
IDS_ERR_3108 | Message consumer not found |
IDS_ERR_3109 | The number of consumers on the destination exceeded limit. |
IDS_ERR_3110 | consumer destination not found |
IDS_ERR_3200 | Connection start failed. |
IDS_ERR_3201 | Connection failed to create a session. |
IDS_ERR_3202 | Connection failed to open a connection. |
IDS_ERR_3203 | The transport specified is not supported. |
IDS_ERR_3300 | The object is invalid (i.e. it has not been deleted). |
IDS_ERR_3301 | The object could not be deleted because there is another reference to it. |
IDS_ERR_3302 | A handle could not be allocated because the supply of handles has been exhausted. |
IDS_ERR_3400 | A freed object was referenced. |
IDS_ERR_3500 | The destination is not temporary |
IDS_ERR_3501 | The temporary destination is not in the connection. |
IDS_ERR_3600 | Callback runtime error occurred |
IDS_ERR_6000 | The handle passed to a function is invalid. |
IDS_ERR_6001 | There are no message properties |
IDS_ERR_6002 | status null logger |
IDS_ERR_6003 | The connection cannot be deleted because it was not closed. |
IDS_ERR_6004 | The connection is not an XA connection. |
IDS_ERR_6005 | Illegally closed an XA connection |
IDS_ERR_1091 | No response from the server |