Configure SSM 2.10 for remote video.
This article assumes you have the following knowledge.
1) Port forwarding configuration on a firewall
2) First-Time login on SSM
Manuals and other helpful tools and information can be found here.
The following table outlines the ports that need to be port forwarded on the main site:
This table lists the inbound ports required
If you have port forwarded these ports and are having issues logging in, port forward port 61616
On the main site, open the SSM Console, click on the + icon and click on Configuration from the drop down box.
With the configuration page now open, Navigate to your SSM server under Device Registration,
Tick the Enable box and enter your Product ID (if using the Hanwha DDNS), then click Apply at the bottom of the page.
To use an external IP address instead of the DDNS function, make sure the Wisenet DDNS box is NOT ticked and enter you external IP address as shown below.
To find out what your external IP address is, navigate to Google and search for my public IP, Google will display your public IP address.
Enter the public IP address in the IP (WAN) box and click Apply
On the remote client PC, you need log into the main SSM site by adding the public IP address of the site and selecting this to log into:
On the log in screen, click on settings:
Enter a new site with the public IP as the IP address:
Select this site to log into:
When logged in you can view cameras. For the first time connecting to the camera it can take up to 30 seconds to display the video stream. This very much depends on your internet connection speed.
The live video stream should now show.