This article will outline how to use an input from an ADAM input/output unit to display a particular layout on a monitor wall (It is assumed the VMM,VMG & VMD/decoder are installed and set up and layouts have been created in SSM)
The following ADAM units are supported in SSM
- ADAM-6050: Sensor x12, AlarmOut x6
- ADAM-6060: Sensor x6, AlarmOut x6
- ADAM-6066: Sensor x6, AlarmOut x6
To add the ADAM unit to SSM, click on Register Device
Select the appropriate ADAM unit from the Model drop-down list and input the user name and password of the ADAM unit
Once it is registered, the appropriate inputs or outputs need to be added into SSM:
In the VMM create a Monitor Spot. Layouts will be listed at the top right. The device you want to monitor will be on the bottom and the state e.g. 'On' will be listed beside it.
'Alarm 1' and 'Alarm 2' are the layouts shown in the screenshot below.
The below configuration will display layout 'Alarm 1' on the monitor wall when input 1 on the ADAM unit is triggered:
Another event can be configured for input 2; display layout 'Alarm 2' on the monitor wall when alarm input 2 is triggered on the ADAM unit:
When layouts have been linked to device events, assign the Monitor Spot to the Monitor Wall. If changes are made to the Monitor Spot, it will need to be reassigned to the Monitor Wall.