X-Series cameras feature a micro USB connector. With a specific WiFi adapter attached to the USB connector, wireless setup of the camera is possible using the Wisenet Installation application available for Android and IOS. The link below is to a document explaining the Android and IOS setup
Wisenet Installation Whitepaper Download
It is also possible to utilize a WiFi enable laptop accessing the camera directly using the same setup. However, since the camera can not configure the WiFi adapter and act as a router, a different procedure is used to accomplish the same.
- Step 1: Assure that the correct model WiFi adapter is installed in the camera. If using a metal case camera, please put the adapter near the glass portion of the camera, this is needed to improve wireless communication with the camera.
- Step 2: On the Laptop open the WiFi network setup utility and search for the camera. The SSID should include the camera model number. The PC WiFi should be in DHCP mode. In the example below, the top SSID would be the one to select.
Connect to the camera
- Step 3: Once connected, open up a command prompt window and type: ipconfig
Locate the WiFi adapter and write down the default gateway, in the example above it would be
- Step 4: Open up a web browser and enter the gateway information in to the address bar (Just type the gateway IP)
It should prompt for the log in window