How do I remove a duplicate server GUID on a WAVE Linux Server?
Applies to Models: Linux Wave Servers
This article explains how to remove a Wave service GUID duplication. Typically seen when merging a Linux WAVE installation to another. If a server appears to be listing itself under both the selected and
current system. Remove offline and incompatible servers from each system and try again.
Note: Normally, the server GUID should stay the same since you clone
the image directly, and be considered as the same server in the
software side.
Step By Step Guide:
1. You will need to go to the Linux Terminal which is the Linux equivalent of the Windows command prompt. The Icon below is on the Sidebar on the left of the WRN desktop.
2. To elevate the Terminal session to root access: by entering command sudo -s in the Linux Terminal prompt. This serves the same function as the "Run as Administrator" function in Windows.
3. You will be required to enter the Linux password for the WRN at this point.
4. You should Stop the WAVE Media Server Services by entering the command: systemctl stop hanwha-medisaerver in the Linux terminal prompt.
5. Then you will type nautilus /opt/hanwah/mediaserver/etc to open Nautilus.
NOTE: There is a space between nautilus and
6. You should see a file in nautilus called mediaserver.conf.
7. Rename the mediaserver.conf file to mediaserver.old.
8. Restart the WAVE Media Server Services by entering the command: systemctl start hanwha-medisaerver in the Linux terminal prompt.
Note: A new server GUID and mediaserver.conf file are generated
when the services are restarted.