This guide requires the reader to have an understanding of the Linux operating system.
Error seen when trying to merge two or more WRN recorders.
This issue occurs when the HWID of the recorders you are trying to merge are too similar.
This guide will demonstrate the steps required to overcome this issue.
There are some changes that we need to make to the mediaserver.conf file on each WRN recorder.
It is strongly recommended you take a Wave database backup before attempting any work!
- From the Terminal window, navigate to /opt/hanwha/mediaserver/etc folder, open the mediaserver.conf using Nano (sudo nano mediaserver.conf)
You must open nano with sudo rights or you will not be able to save the file.
The default Linux password for the WRN is 4321.
Troubleshooting tip - if you cannot see the opt folder, you are not in the root directory.
type "cd /" to enter the root directory
- You will need to modify the line "guidisHWID=no", change this to yes.
- You will also need to delete the line serverGuid={xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}
- Save the changes by pressing Control & X, Type Y and press enter
- Stop the hanwha media server with the command "sudo systemctl stop hanwha-mediaserver" (4321 default Linux password)
- Start the hanwha media server with the command "sudo systemctl start hanwha-mediaserver"
Important - This needs to be performed on each WRN recorder to be merged.
Navigate to the Web admin page of the WRN (
If the WRN shows two identical servers you will need to delete the offline server in the Wave client, the offline server is a result of the previous failed merging attempt.
You can also delete the offline server by resetting each server, data on the Wave config data & recordings on the WRN will be removed if you chose to reset the server.
Important - This needs to be performed on each WRN recorder to be merged.
Once all WRN recorders have been restored to factory defaults or show 0 offline servers on their web admin page, you can now merge the WRN to an existing system.
Below example shows 3 WRN-1610S recorders successfully merged together and online.