This article covers how to set up & add cameras to a 'S' model of NVR for the first time. It applies to the following NVRs
If you have a XRN-1620B2 or a 32 or a 64 channel NVR then see this <article link>
All of these 'S' models of NVRs (with the exception of the XRN-1620SB1) have dedicated PoE network ports for each camera and a dedicated network port for Network 2, there is no dedicated network port for Network 1:
The XRN-1620SB1 has dedicated network ports for Network 1 and Network 2
When the NVR is first powered up, you will see this screen
Followed by this screen. The NVR will run through some start up checks, including testing the HDD(s) and the orange line will progress from left to right as it does these checks
The set up installation wizard will now be loaded, there are nine set up steps to go through:
The first step of the Installation Wizard is to choose the language:
The next step covers the network set up:
You can decide to turn off or leave on the DHCP server for each network. The DHCP server will be on by default for both networks. If you want the cameras to have a DHCP address & they will be plugged directly into the camera network ports, leave the DHCP on i.e. leave the box ticked, for Network 1. Leaving the DHCP server on for Network 2, may causes issues if you are connecting the NVR to a customers network or connecting it to a router. The router will most likely be a DHCP server too and allowing the NVR to be a DHCP server too will cause conflicts, so it may be best to turn off the DHCP server on Network 2.
The next step allows you to set the IP addresses for Network 1 and Network 2. These network ports cannot be in the same subnet e.g both ports cannot have IP addresses in the network. This is to avoid arp flux issues. If a viewing PC is required, the cameras must be in one IP subnet with the viewing station and Network 2 of the NVR in another IP subnet.
To change the IP details of the network ports, you simply click on 'Setup'
The next step; 'Camera Registration Method' allows you to enable PnP mode or Manual mode. In PnP mode each camera needs to be connected directly to a camera network port. The camera connected to camera network port 1 will then appear automatically as channel 1 on the NVR. If there are cameras connected to switches on site and the switch also is connected to the NVR you cannot use PnP mode i.e. leave the box unticked and the NVR will then be in manual mode. This causes the camera network ports to be treated as standard switch ports. You will then be required to add the cameras to the NVR either via the installation wizard or later on manually.
After setting the network parameters, you will then be promoted to create a password for the admin account of the NVR
Next, you can enter the camera passwords
If the cameras are 'out of the box' then you can set the camera password in the upper section, you also have the option to use the NVR password as set in the previous step, as the camera password.
If the cameras have been already configured with a password, enter this in the bottom section.
Next, configure the time and date on the NVR, ensure the Daylight Savings Time box is ticked as it is unticked by default:
In the next step, the resolution of any connected monitors can be configured
In the next step if the NVR is in manual mode, it will search the network for cameras and return all cameras found. Cameras can then be assigned to different NVR channels.
If the NVR is in PnP mode, only the cameras connected to the NVR will be found:
The next set up screen will allow you to change cameras to different channels e.g. the camera that is on channel 4 can be moved to channel 5. Moving the cameras is only available in manual mode.
The final step will show the QR code and P2P connection details
When the set up is complete you will then see the NVR layout and the cameras that have been configured can be dragged into the layout to be viewed live. Further set up such as recording retention days can be done in the Setup