When using the AI search filters in the WAVE Objects pane, the tracking type can be entered for a broad filter of object classifications by selecting the object type from the drop down menu or by entering the search term below:
- Example: Possible tracking types
- person (will display all person tracking results)
- face (will display all face tracking results)
- vehicle (will display all vehicle tracking results)
- LicensePlate (will display all license plates tracking results)
For example:
In order to narrow results, the tracking type category can be searched by typing the category followed by the colon symbol : or equal sign = in order to display all possible category results.
- Example: Possible category types
- gender:
- top:
- bottom:
- bagcategory:
- carrybag:
- age:
- wearsmask:
- wearsopticals:
- wearsglasses:
- type:
- color:
For example:
To narrow results further, category attributes can be typed in.
- Example: Possible category attributes
- Gender:
- male
- female
- TopClothingColor: OR TopsColor: (can contain up to two colors)
- (black, gray, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)
- BottomClothingColor: OR BottomsColor: (can contain up to two colors)
- (black, gray, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)
- Age:
- senior (will show results of 65+)
- middle (will show results of 45-64)
- adult (will show results of 20-44)
- young (will show results of 0-19)
- WearsOpticals: or WearsGlasses:
- true
- false
- BagCategory: or CarryBag:
- bag
- Type: << applies to vehicles
- (car, bus, truck, motorcycle, bicycle)
- Color: << applies to vehicles
- (black, gray, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)
- Gender:
For example: