The SPD-151 decoder can only be set up via a web browser.
Its default IP address is:
The first step of configuration is setting up a wall and assigning an output; HDMI, VGA or BNC to this wall
Create a 1x1 wall and assign the output to the wall:
Click on the Layout tab, from here select the appropriate wall that is linked to the output:
On the left half side you can select a particular layout for this output e.g. 3x3 or 2x2:
Network cameras can then be added to the decoder and assigned to the wall.
Add a camera here:
An automatic network search will be performed to find cameras on the network,
If your camera is not found you can add it manually
Added cameras will appear in the camera list:
Added cameras can then be assigned to panes in the video wall layout by dragging the camera from the camera list and dropping it on a pane:
Save this layout by clicking the Save button
A sequence of layouts can be shown on the output also. To do this create another layout:
Give this layout a name and configure the length of time the layout is shown for
Assign cameras to the new layout and save it.
Then select the Wall and play the sequence to toggle between layouts displayed on that output