This article describes the steps involved to view events from an ANPR camera configured on a NVR.
On the NVR, go to Device -> Text
Select the channel the ANPR camera is configured on and enter the following details for that channel:
On the ANPR camera RoadWatch settings, select NVR from the drop down list, to send recognition events to. Enter the IP address and port of the camera as configured on the Text Device window on the NVR:
In SSM disconnect and connect the NVR the ANPR camera is configured on:
Click the NVR settings and select the EPOS channel:
Open a POS window in SSM Console and drag the ANPR camera into a window. You will be able to see the ANPR licence plates that have been read by the camera on the RHS
To search for a plate, go to Playback, select the search window and type in the plate in the search window: